So a compromise was made, a tit for tat, or an eye for an eye if you will. In order to extend unemployment benefits, tax cuts for the upper 2% will have to be extended. A true definition of a compromise is when both parties get something they want, but aren’t happy with how much they got. I suppose one way of looking at this new compromise is that the Democrats get a bill to provide more aid for unemployment benefits and tax cuts for the middle and lower classes, where the Republicans get the tax cuts for the upper 2%.
Wait a minute, is this really a compromise? This does leave many unanswered questions. Are the Republicans really against extending unemployment benefits? Would they risk their re-election chances by denying benefits to the unemployed in this recession, solely on the grounds that they are not paid for? Are the Republicans really threatening to shut down Washington in order to obtain the tax cuts for 2% of Americans? Does this $140 billion tax cut for those 2% not have to be paid for? Will this be their campaign platform in 2012, tax cuts for 2% and austerity for the other 98% of Americans?
What have the Republicans sacrificed in order to obtain their desire for tax cuts for the upper 2%, their permanency? Will they finally concede that reducing the deficit during an economic recession is as absurd as raising taxes? Will the Republicans politely step aside and vote for more stimulus bills geared to job growth?
We can look back on the past two years to see where the Republican loyalties lie. During the Health Care debate, the Republicans sided with the health insurance companies. During the Gulf Oil Spill, the Republicans sided with big oil companies. During the Financial Regulatory debate, the Republicans sided with the big banks.
But this is hardly evident of what they believe in or against. So let’s look at this another way. During the Health Care debate, the Republicans judged that only those who can afford health insurance are worthy of health care. During the Gulf Oil Spill, the Republicans are against regulatory measures to attempt to protect us and the environment from more catastrophic spills. During the Financial Regulatory debate, the Republicans are against regulation and oversight measures to attempt to prevent another economic meltdown from being caused by speculative markets.
Someone once told me that our government cannot or should not pass unpopular laws, such as the so-called “Obamacare.” Their loudest argument with any validity (sorry, but I just don’t buy into your paranoid theory of Death Panels) was that the majority of Americans don’t want this bill. They concluded that Democrats have no right to pursue such measures against the American will. Yet when we see the polls showing that over 53% of Americans are against tax cuts for the upper 2%, is it not hypocritical of Republicans to push this unpopular bill? Is this not going against the will of the majority of Americans?
The Republicans vowed two years ago to not give President Obama any victories, they vowed to not work with this administration, they vowed to make him a one term president, and they even proclaimed their hope that he fails. After all, if they can prove Obama as a failure, then they may be able to regain their leadership role. But at what costs? The Republicans are indifferent to the plight of 98% of Americans. Even if unemployment reaches 15% and the poverty rate hits 10%, those upper 2% can weather the financial storm incurred; time is on their side. They can sit back and watch America’s future go into the toilet, just so long as those 2% receive their tax cuts.
We cannot avoid the reality that tax cuts must be paid for. Tax cuts are reductions in federal revenues and spending must be adjusted to offset the reduced incoming revenues. Who do you suppose is going to be expected to float these cuts? There will be a renewed and reinvigorated fight over the deficit and government spending. With the tax rates secured and not open to negotiation, public services will need to be cut. Expect unemployment benefits to be back on the chopping block in roughly one year, when the extension expires. Expect a reduction in Medicare and Social Security to be called for over the next year. Expect to see cuts for Medicaid and Food Stamps. Let their be no mistake about it, it will be “we the people” who will have to float the tab for the tax cuts for the upper 2% of us.
So I ask again, what compromise?
-Silence Dogood
About Us

- Gene A. Hale
- York, Pennsylvania, United States
- I am a very creative person with years of experience in many different creative fields. I am a published writer writing for political blogs as well as product reviews. I have also worked in the Digital Audio/Video special effects business too.