Thank you and thats just my opinion.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Money Going, Going, Gone.
This is not the newest news but I want to remind people the some business have some commonsense because they pulled there sponsership from Fox News and the the Glen Beck show because of there views towards President Obama and his adminastration. Glenn Beck called President Obama a racist with a deep seeded hatred towards white people and has repeatedly compared him to Hitler. There has been 20 in total but the most recent ones are Walmart, Tavelosity,Best Buy, Broadview Security, CVS, Allergen, amd Rebath. I now have more respect for these companies for looking through his bull shit and doinging something right, Congrats to them and good job. I hope that more businesses and sponsors out there come to there senses and follow suit by not supporting Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck and the Fox "News" channel when they continue to preach fear and hate to anyone that will listen and believe them. If enough of there sponsors either leave or threaten to leave then they might start to change how and what they report as news to have more facts and truths and less opinions and propaganda then it might be a news channel worth the time to watch. Until then Fox still gives them free range to do what ever they want to do in order to achieve what it is they are trying to do to further there own personal agenda. Enough is enough and finally some people and corporations are seeing it for what it is, fear and hate mongering and have the "balls" to take there money away from them. I say GOOD for them and it is about time. Thank you to the businesses that has done what is right.
Bill O'reilly,
Fox news,
Glenn Beck,
hate mongering
About Us

- Gene A. Hale
- York, Pennsylvania, United States
- I am a very creative person with years of experience in many different creative fields. I am a published writer writing for political blogs as well as product reviews. I have also worked in the Digital Audio/Video special effects business too.
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