Arguments over the extension of long term unemployment and affordable health care brought up a very interesting perspective, that we are supporting a welfare state. But let us not fool ourselves, our charity only goes so far and does not extend only to the poor. Conservatives who are under the belief that tax breaks are equitable and do not need to be funded are demanding that their tax cuts not to be allowed to expire. Homeowners whose property is worth more than a million of dollars are up on arms in Vermont over reallocating property tax rebates to only those earning less than $90,000 per year. The property tax rebate is a form of subsidize housing for those having trouble maintaining their property tax bill.
We do not want to support a welfare state. We do not want to subsidize living expenses on those on unemployment. But we are fine subsidizing the property tax bill for people earning more than $50,000 in investments? Homeowners, whose homes were foreclosed upon after losing their jobs or due to their variable interest rates skyrocketing, were blamed for the housing crises. They were told that they had no right to buy a house which they cannot afford. They were told they were irresponsible for not choosing a home in which they could afford without subsidizing their property tax bill. Yet we are fine for those not living along poverty level to take advantage of services designed to help those in need, who claim they can only afford their $1,000,000+ homes through property tax breaks?
My advice for those who are not living along poverty levels is the same advice I received from them. Don’t to go out to eat as much. Don’t go to the movies as often. That alone should solve your financial worries. If that is not enough, then downsize your home. No one guaranteed you would be able to own a home, let alone how nice of one. Learn to live within your means, and don’t ride our backs to support your lazy butt! Now don’t get angry with me for saying this, for these are not my words. These are the callously spoken words to the poor folk who lost their jobs and homes due to downsizing by those whose lives were not in jeopardy. Perhaps they should listen to their own words and take them to heart.
-Silence Dogood
About Us

- Gene A. Hale
- York, Pennsylvania, United States
- I am a very creative person with years of experience in many different creative fields. I am a published writer writing for political blogs as well as product reviews. I have also worked in the Digital Audio/Video special effects business too.
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