The term “Racism” has been tossed around callously as of late. The Tea Party has been accused of condoning racism. They have taken offense at being given that title, though that is not an accurate assessment. It was not stated that the Tea Party is a racist movement. It was pointed out that several members who attend Tea Party gatherings have demonstrated racist views, and the Tea Party has not denounced these members, hence condoning these views.
The Tea Party was not based upon racism, but rather an outrage over taxation. They are opposed to deficit spending and they are abdicating for a smaller federal government. This in and of itself is not a racist stance, so the Tea Party was not based upon a racial movement. But when attendees criticize President Obama as labeling him as a Communist, as a Socialist, and depict him as a witch doctor on their picket signs, the attendees went too far and brought racism into the Tea Party movement.
Racism is still a real issue in America today. Making it taboo did not move us move forward as a society. By making racism taboo to speak about only silences the voice, not the attitude or the beliefs. Americans still practices self-segregation. Americans still point out the difference of ethnicity through derogatory terms with impunity. Americans still self-segregate themselves into segregated communities. So it must be concluded that racism is still alive and well amongst Americans today.
The Tea Party has not denounced their racist attendees. The Tea Party has not denounced racism. Instead, the Tea Party attacked their accuser, NAACP as being racist themselves. The Tea Party’s actions have accepted the accusation as fact and have retaliated against their accuser. However, one Tea Party defender made one very accurate statement, “those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.” Thus, since the Tea Party has not denounced racism, because they attacked their accusers of racism, the Tea party is actively promoting racism in America today. Their attempt to blur and convolute the issue does not resolve the issue. Instead, their actions promote it.
About Us

- Gene A. Hale
- York, Pennsylvania, United States
- I am a very creative person with years of experience in many different creative fields. I am a published writer writing for political blogs as well as product reviews. I have also worked in the Digital Audio/Video special effects business too.
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