The Arizona Immigration Bill has been passed and it has been effective in driving out approximately 100,000 unauthorized immigrants have left Arizona, according to D.H.S. Consequently, approximately $2 billion of revenues have been lost, according to AZEIR. Legitimate businesses are forced to closed their doors and close shop because of the abandoned communities.
The loss of even an illegal workforce has a direct impact on Arizona’s economy. Unemployment will not be curtailed as there is now even less consumers. Sales tax revenues are consequently reduced. Communities have been devastated by the mass exodus. But Arizona exercised their State’s Right to address a neglected federal policy.
Citizens of Arizona in support of this law made the conscious decision to go at it alone. How does Arizona propose to balance their State Budgets with a reduction in tax revenues? Can Arizona cut further services to balance their budget? Won’t the reduction of tax payer services be detrimental to the legal Americans residing in Arizona?
About Us

- Gene A. Hale
- York, Pennsylvania, United States
- I am a very creative person with years of experience in many different creative fields. I am a published writer writing for political blogs as well as product reviews. I have also worked in the Digital Audio/Video special effects business too.
Illegals do not pay state taxes. So if all that left were illegals than the taxes should not change measurably . Would love to see a link to the info above. I doubt 100,000 illegals would cause a 2 billion dollar change in revenue.
Illegals DO pay taxes! Everytime they go to the store, pay a bill, they pay taxes. Sales taxes are part of state taxes!!!
All residents, legal or illegal pay property tax (either directly or indirectly via landlord). All residents, legal or illegal pay sales tax. Not all residents, legal or illegal pay income taxes or payroll tax. The information was not quoted from a website or webpage, but I added the sources for verification.
A reduction of consumers lead to less sales tax revenues, among others, and hence reduces the total amount of taxes collected by the state. Thus with approximately 100,000 undocumented residents departing the state of Arizona, there are consequently approximately 100,000 less consumers paying sales and property taxes.
-Silence Dogood
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