Thursday, July 1, 2010

Political Fantasy

It seems to me that the Tea Party camp and the Republican party wants us to take whats written in the bible and the constitution literally. What if we were to take there words literally or even at face value?
I think that life would be so much easier and more fun to do as they want us to do, because I myself really like to read fantasy and science fiction books. I am looking forward to visiting Middle Earth then hopping on a star cruiser, whipping into warp drive and then visit all the aliens out there that have been visiting our planet since the time of dinosaurs. I am planning all of this to happen either tomorrow right after I have had my android parts installed or the next day when I have completed world domination on another planet. I mean for real, how can anything that was written by man so long ago be taken so serious and literally at face value? When they were written the economy, education, the rites of all people, and the political climate was so completely different from it is now. Tell me now who it is that is living in a fantasy world? This is another reason for me that most politicians are a joke and that they are just really looking out for themselves by brain washing the lower educated masses out there to to there bidding for them to further there own personal agendas. Republicans and the Tea Party camp..... What's not to laugh at?


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York, Pennsylvania, United States
I am a very creative person with years of experience in many different creative fields. I am a published writer writing for political blogs as well as product reviews. I have also worked in the Digital Audio/Video special effects business too.

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